Friday, April 30, 2010


First and foremost, please continue to pray for Tamara Mathews, who was in a car accident yesterday morning. I don't know many details, but please pray for healing and comfort for her and her family. Tamara is an amazing woman, and an etremely talented makeup artist, nurse, and mother. She is the official makeup artist for several state pageants, including Mrs. Kansas. Her work can be seen at .

I met with a representative for Neosho County Community College on Wednesday afternoon to discuss ways I can become involved with college promotions. Several ideas were bounced around, all of which I am PUMPED for! A few ideas included billboards, throwing the opening pitch for a baseball game, helping at graduation, kids college, TV commercials, and even placing my picture on the back of a few semi trucks! I can't wait to get started :)

Mrs. Kansas will also be making an appearance at the Chanute Elementary School Carnival this weekend. I will be in the 3rd grade booth spraying hair! Shawn is going to bring Miss Layla down for some afternoon fun as well. I love children, and children (especially little girls) love sparkly crowns, so it should be a wonderful afternoon!

I have also heard back from the USO Fort Riley, and they will be working on different ideas for me to help them promote United Through Reading, an absolutely phenomenal program. United Through Reading provides military bases with equipment and books for soldiers to use to record themselves reading stories to their children while they are deployed. The video readings are then shipped back home for the children to watch. For children, actually seeing their mommy or daddy on TV is more comforting than hearing from someone else that they are okay. Not only does this program promote family and parental interaction, it also promotes literacy. I am proud to be involved with such a wonderful cause. More information (and an adorable video) is available at

Just a reminder, please help make a few Welcome Home/ Thank You cards for our troops returning to Fort Riley. We need 1,200 by May 9th! You can send them to the address in my last blog, or give them to me by Monday to add them to my shipment.

God bless you, and have a great weekend!

To my students (who hear this every Friday): Have a good weekend, be careful, wear your seatbelts, don't be stupid, wash your hands! :)

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