Monday, May 24, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Hello all! I know I have been slacking in the blog department lately, but things have been super busy here at the high school with the semester drawing to a close. Here is a quick update on what has been going on for Mrs. Kansas:

I met with a representative from PSU on the 20th to take photos for an article that will be posted on in the next few days. The photographer came in to my classroom and took several shots of me working with my students. The article will feature general information about me as well as my time at Pitt State.

Saturday, we traveled to the PSU campus for my interview with KRPS, the university's radio station. It was my first radio interview, and I was a bit nervous, but it went really well! They are airing the interview on Friday at 3:50; it will also be posted on the PSU website. Enjoy!

This weekend, I will be riding in the St. Paul Mission Days Parade, in St. Paul, KS. I will be representing not only Mrs. Kansas, but also NCCC, where I earned my associates degree. This is going to be a very special appearance for me, as my husband, Shawn, and our daughter, Layla, will be in the parade with me. Because I will be working with the USO this year, Shawn has agreed to wear his military uniform for the parade :) I can't wait! If you get the chance, come down to St. Paul and join in the festivities!

One event I am extremely bummed that I will miss is the USO Fort Riley Grand Opening, which will be Tuesday at 2:00. I am so thankful to have been invited to take part; however, our school does not get out until Thursday. Manhattan is a three and a half hour drive for me and I simply wouldn't make it there in time. For those of you who will be attending, take pictures and have a great time! Thank you to the USO for all that you do for our Military and their families :)

For now, I should probably finish grading the pile of papers that has been glaring at me all afternoon (the only bad part about teaching). Students, don't forget that tonight the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be hosting its final huddle meeting of the year. Kids, please be in my classroom at 6:30 to watch "Facing the Giants." The movie will be followed by a message by Minister DJ Dangerfield at 8:30. I'll see you all then!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Photos and Fort Riley Update

Thanks to my fabulous students at CHS, I will not only be mailing dozens of letters, but also EIGHT bags of non perishables, toiletries, and washcloths for our troops returning to Fort Riley. Way to go kiddos!
Also, here are a few photos from the Chanute Elementary School Carnival that was held on Saturday. Our booth (the third grade booth) was in charge of spraying hair. We had polka dots, stripes, half and half, and even a request to look like a ladybug! The kids were so adorable and the parents were great sports to allow us to get creative with their children's hair. It was cold and rainy, but the kids didn't seem to mind. What a fun afternoon! Enjoy :)